Friday, June 5, 2009

A brief update

Hello All,

I'm so sorry I haven't updated my blog for a while. I don't have much time now, but I should say a few things.

This last weekend I went to a village called Nakumpa to visit a Salter there. It was a great experience, even with the latrine and kitchen being outside under thatched roofs. One minor thing to note is that I slaughtered a chicken, and the saying, "running like a chicken with its head cut off" is so true, they keep moving for quite some time. I, too, have pictures to proof this :)

Also, the teachers are now on complete strike and aren't aloud to even show up to school. There are 6 teachers left- 3 student teachers, 2 undeclared teachers and myself (who has had no training). This all means that I have 2 additional classes that I'm in charge of, grade 9 English. I am also supposed to do as the head commands, even if that means taking on 2 extra classes when he asks. I can't believe I have all of this responsibility, even so, I still am enjoying my time. Anyway, I am definately learning lots and getting a great experience.

Chileleko (my Tonga name some of the teachers gave me meaning "blessing")

1 comment:

  1. Kristen I think your Tonga name says it all - you are a 'blessing' and I am soooooooo proud of you! I can't wait until you are home, but I know you are going to miss being there - investing in people's lives means that your influence will continue for a long time after you've left! Stay healthy and safe and continue to take it all in!
    Love you lots! Mom
