On the way home from the orphanage last Friday, a young boy, who goes to Nahumba and lives at the orphanage, escorted me to the school. On our way there he asked me if I miss my family. A boy who has no family, asked me if I missed mine. That was one of the most sensible things anyone has asked me here. Of course I miss my family, but do I tell him that? I was so caught off guard that I said nothing. He also told me that he notices that during break at school, he often sees me by myself in the field. I try to go and visit with some of the girls, but I do just stand there and think who I should visit and what I should say. The fact that a grade 9 Zambian boy notices that I may be lonely, when the teachers don't, meant a lot to me. He touched my heart. I'm hoping to thank him the next time he escorts me to his home.
Wow Kristen. That is great and so touching.Leave it to children to tell the truth hey? Whenever you feel lonley just know that there's a lot of us praying for you and thinking of you at home.